Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blogging: Getting the Hang of it

Tonight we shared food together and talked about the direction of our women's collective. Lots of brainstorms about zines, topics to discuss in more detail, advise on our relationships at work and home and the future of our blog. It had been awhile since we'd met, so it was nice to see everyone. My daughter, Caroline, sat on my lap for most of the meeting and passed to others arms during the night. It feels good to identify as a feminist, but now as a feminist mom. :) I saw that my friend Cate, who is a regular blogger and mother of two, was on a radio show recently called the Feminist Breeder. I am excited about blogging more (sort of why I decided to blog tonight before bed). I read blogs sometimes, but I'd like to read more. I'm trying to wean myself from Facebook, so I can replace it with the blogosphere. I am still uncertain sometimes about how casual or candid to be in my posts. Is it ok if I type in it like a journal? Or should it be more formal with good grammar and no sentence fragments or runons? I've mostly typed in blogs before as a stream of consciousness, just to get thoughts out onto a page. But who wants to read that!? Anyhoo, the baby is stirring. Nothing to groundbreaking in tonights blog. Though I did find an article about a radical sex group's plans to "change the way Americans think about sex". You can find the article here. I found it when I Googled "radical sex toy parties". Haha.


meredith said...

I think one of the great things about the blogosphere is the informal nature of it so write as informally as you want. As for how personal/candid you want to be, I think that's something that we've all thought a lot about. Perhaps too much. If we really want to open up a dialogue, we will need to be candid. Ultimately though, do what you feel comfortable doing. I'm going to try and stop thinking/talking about doing things and do it! Like this! woohoo

jessie said...

I love you ladies and I am so glad the collective is meeting! I'm also glad Caroline is attending meetings :)

meredith said...

we gotta get 'em early!