Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Blog!

Hey everyone! I set up the blog for us to share information, stories, pictures, questions, and any other helpful or insightful material. Feel free to post and comment whenever you like. Try to use the labels when you're creating a post (the box is on the bottom right of the text you are typing) so we can find related posts when we need to. For example, if you are talking about a type of birth control, type "birth control" in the label box, and if you are also talking about STIs in the same post, use an STI label as well.

I think that we can comment on posts anonymously, and that could be a good way to tell stories or give commentary that otherwise might be a little embarrassing. Maybe we can utilize that tool sometime?

For inspiration, a photograph!


jessie said...

Sweet!! Thanks Laurie!

Annie said...

YEA!!!! Women Unite! great first picture.