Friday, October 30, 2009

spousal abuse and asylum

check out this article in the NYT!

"U.S. May Be Open to Asylum for Spouse Abuse"

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The State of the American Woman

Time Magazine has all these articles out about the current situation for American women. I've read one so far that was pretty interesting and talked about choice with titles Ms., Miss, and Mrs. Hopefully, we can discuss some of this stuff soon!

I also thought it was pretty funny that the link at one of the essays was something along the lines on "more on women" and "women covers." How ridiculous is it that there need to be "women" covers--implying that everything else is a man's cover. Once again "other-izing" us. hmph.

Feminism article in the Breeze

There was a recent op-ed piece about feminism that is horribly misinformed. I wrote a rebuttal (quite vicious) that is listed under comments. I suggest reading both.

Let's chat!

Can you say misogynist?

Friday, September 25, 2009

CYCLING blog about cycling

so my adviser for sister speak just sent me a link to this new blog just about menstruation. how sweet is that?! the first posts i've seen are about twittering about having a miscarriage at a meeting, periods keeping young African girls out of schools, and a nice animated menstruation video. seems pretty interesting.

here's the site...

here's a video with singing menstruation.

Dalai Lama is a FEMINIST

woo! the dalai lama recently said that he's a feminist. no surprise there really.

“Isn’t that what you call someone who fights for women’s rights?”

what a great guy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


New show called "women's studies" to be aired on HBO!

"The new feminist show will star Julie White as a former feminist “it” girl author who now teaches at a small northeastern liberal arts school. If Julie White is in it I can guarantee it will be funny."

What do you guys think? It would be interesting to watch together whenever it happens and compare it to the real topics we have learned in our women's studies classes!

Monday, April 13, 2009

alaskan attorney general

more palin mania!!

the newly nominated attorney general from alaska is quoted saying:

“If a guy can’t rape his wife, who’s he gonna rape?”
“If a woman would keep her mouth shut, there wouldn’t be an issue with domestic violence.”

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Rebecca West Quote

Hey I found this quote about feminism and I though I'd share:

“I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is; I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.”

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Discussion Topic

So, I know this is a really personal topic so feel free to answer anonymously, but I was just wondering if we could talk about what sex is like for everybody. I am interested in hearing from girls my age, most books have told us it just "feels good." What do you like, what don't you like, and this isn't just confined to intercourse. But when it comes to intercourse, is it consistently pleasurable, or hit or miss? What do you think affects your experience? What about the myth of "size matters" - do you think it's a myth? What are you experiences with orgasms? Etc etc, feel free to fill in more questions!

I understand that this seems like a fairly heteronormative question, and I also know that not everyone in our group is sexually active, for whatever reasons, but let's share our experiences with each other (hetero or not, and those with or without a partner). I would like to get an idea of what we are (or aren't!) experiencing, as long as people feel comfortable sharing. Is anyone else interested in this stuff? Or am I just weird.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Council on Women and Girls

I just received this e-mail from VA-NOW.

March 11, 2009
NOW cheers the formation of the White House Council on Women and Girls, which was created by executive order of President Barack Obama today. It was a pleasure for me to be at the White House to hear the president make this commitment to supporting women and girls in such strong and unequivocal terms. It was a heartening moment for those of us who have worked so hard for this day.

There can be no question that the needs of women and girls require the attention of the White House itself. As President Obama pointed out in today's speech, women still earn 78 cents for every dollar earned by men. One out of every four women will experience some form of domestic violence during her lifetime. Women make up more than half the population, yet are only 17 percent of the U.S. Congress. And while women are 49 percent of the nation's workforce, only three percent of the Fortune 500 companies are headed by women.

The make-up of the White House Council is extraordinary. It will be headed by Valerie Jarrett, assistant to the president and one of his closest friends and advisors, and will include every Cabinet secretary and the head of every Cabinet-level agency. The Executive Director of the Council will be Tina Tchen, deputy assistant to the president and a long-time advocate of women's rights.

We asked for a Cabinet-level office to work on women's issues, and we got the entire Cabinet. NOW looks forward to supporting the work of the White House Council on Women and Girls in the months ahead. There is much work to be done.

For equality,

Marj Signer
Virginia NOW

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


this is horrible. they have developed a video game where you follow, stalk, and rape girls in the subway. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF


Monday, February 23, 2009

Breaking thru gender roles...

Here is an article that I discovered from academia (or academentia...haha) by Sherry Ortner, a professor from UCLA.  It's called "Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture?"  Interesting stuff....

this is a project that gives an idea for a "rape prevention device".
its not real, nor is it going to be, and it is more of a societal reflection. It is also intended to bring awareness to rape victims. I found it on a blog that said "In response to the frequently asked question, "when should I wear Rapex?" they answer: "Should you have to travel long distances alone, on a train, working late, going out on a date with someone you don't know too well, going to clubs, or in any situation that you might not feel comfortable or even just not sure." So, if you like getting drunk, wearing sexy clothes, or going out in public, you might be at risk." Interesting points!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

SDS Womyn's Caucus

Check out this blog:

There are lots of great posts that relate to topics of discussion and recent events in our lovely little circle.


A Few Updates...

You all probably got this email, but I usually don't open them so here's the info in case anyone is interested:

Robyn Ochs returns to JMU's campus for two more workshops that will question and stimulate your views on gender and sexuality. Join her as she transgresses the binary categories of gay/straight, masculine/feminine, black/white and/or male/female.

Name: Bisexuality, Feminism, Men & Me

Date: Feb. 18, 09
Time: 12:15-1:15
Location: Taylor 304

Do you know what makes a man "a man"? What makes a woman "a woman"? We will look at the ways in which we are limited by a binary understanding of gender, and explore how the politics of gender tie together the feminist, queer and transgendered movements. Come, and bring your gender with you!

Name: Beyond Binaries: Identity and the Sexuality Spectrum

Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Time: 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Festival Ballroom

Wanna talk sexuality? Robyn's workshop will discuss uses and limitations of the Kinsey scale and other measures of sexual orientation, with attention to factors such as sex, gender, time, and more.

ALSO there have been several new "Target Women" vidz from Sarah Haskins recently. Most of them can be related to Valentine's Day. Highlights include Chocolate, Jewelry, Online Dating, or Diets.

And one more thing... and thoughts on taking turns taking notes at meetings? Then putting the info up here? Kind of like Annie did with how to chart your cycles. Since I haven't been able to make the past couple meetings I think it would be cool!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Erotic Sex-Pagan Fertility Festival Day!

Do you ever wonder where that cute little baby with bows and arrows came from?

The origins of Valentines Day.

Here's one link but not very good--find one for yourself!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Erykah Badu

This link has been going around the EARTH e-mails. Erykah Badu talks about women's issues in the music industry. Funny, yet true and sad.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Naturopathic Medicine: A feminine approach to health care

This article is kinda vague but makes some good points toward the end. I also enjoyed reading the comments made.

Sex Without Love poem

Sex Without Love by Sharon Olds
How do they do it, the ones who make love
without love? Beautiful as dancers,
gliding over each other like ice-skaters
over the ice, fingers hooked
inside each other's bodies, faces
red as steak, wine, wet as the
children at birth whose mothers are going to
give them away. How do they come to the
come to the come to the God come to the
still waters, and not love
the one who came there with them, light
rising slowly as steam off their joined
skin? These are the true religious,
the purists, the pros, the ones who will not
accept a false Messiah, love the
priest instead of the God. They do not
mistake the lover for their own pleasure,
they are like great runners: they know they are alone
with the road surface, the cold, the wind,
the fit of their shoes, their over-all cardio-
vascular health--just factors, like the partner
in the bed, and not the truth, which is the
single body alone in the universe
against its own best time.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

On Self Respect

Here is an Essay by Joan Didion out of her book Slouching Towards Bethlehem called "On Self Respect"

Show 'n Tell

Ana Mendieta Imagen de Yagul

Friday, January 16, 2009

How Gender Inequalities at JMU Affect the Social Scene

Mary Thompson gave this article for my Women's Studies class to read, and I completely agree with it. One person in my class claimed that she felt that JMU was a kind of safe haven for feminism because there were simply so many females here. But I think the opposite: it wasn't until a few months ago, after 3 years of relationships and ecnounters with disrespectful and degrading men at JMU that I started to identify with feminist beliefs and was able to call myself a feminist. Yay first blog entry by babz!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

DAILY DOUBLE: sex during your period (again) AND vaginas + soap

I just happened to come across a short youtube video about sex on your period that kind of showcases the different attitudes. Sarah Silverman's in it--whatever that means to you...

Also, quick standup mentioning soap + vaginas.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Hey guys, I've been trying to do some research on soaps for women, because I've read that we shouldn't use just regular soap to wash our hoo-has. Apparently it can screw up our natural pH balances. Does anyone know of any good options for soaps with a lower pH that's maybe more natural? What do you all do?

I found this website when searching but I'm sure there's more options out there.